

Staff Training Guide

Let your staff know how to safely handle customer bags and containers.

Participation Thank You Letter

Omaha Reduces wouldn’t be possible without people like you! So, thank you!

Omaha Reduces Window Flyer

Share your participation with customers, all while going plastic free!


Logo Typefaces

Eras Bold ITC (“Bring Your Own”); Bodoni MT Bold [47% width; 100 tracking] (“Omaha Reduces Waste”); Gadugi (“BYO”)

The Omaha Reduces Waste sticker is designed using the original Roncy Reduces sticker thanks to U.S. Reduces. Graphically inclined? See the Adobe Illustrator file and Canva sticker templates on the U.S. Reduces website.

Other Resources

Looking for additional resources on how to take part or learn more about reducing waste? Visit the U.S. Reduces website for tips and other resources.